So why is everyone so upset?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

So why is everyone so upset? Why are parents rebelling against a speech from the President piped into the classroom? Why are average citizens taking time off their jobs, creating messages on signs, driving to events to protest? Why are people outraged at the creation of three dozen ‘czars’ in the United States, of all places, not Russia… in charge of everything from cars to green energy? Well, as Dorothy might say in the Wizard of Oz “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.”

We were promised Hope and Change. We were led to believe that a vote for Obama would rid us of politics as usual in Washington and a new transparency in our government. That seems like a very long time ago. The blush is off the rose, the emperor is wearing no clothes and it’s not just the simple observation of the young boy in the story noticing. Everyone who is looking honestly at their situation in America knows that things are not going well. One does not have to watch the Dow Jones Average or watch the polls to know that many have lost their jobs, others are fearful of loosing theirs and many cannot find work or have taken jobs below their capabilities to keep a roof over their head and feed the family.

Yes, the spontaneous out pouring of ordinary citizens who are literally taking it to the streets are expressing their concern, frustration and opinion about the leadership in Washington, starting in the White House, while being accused of being set up in a ‘manufactured’or ‘astro-turf’ activity in the rallies. The reaction from Pelosi and gang show just how truly out of touch they are with the citizens of this nation.

The courageous citizens posing questions to Congressmen and women home for the August recess were often met with scorn and arrogance. Our fellow Texan, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee became the poster-child for arrogance as she took a cell phone call during a question from a constituent, and a cancer survivor in her town hall meeting in Houston. Yes, multitasking is necessary in DC. But showing disrespect to your constituents when not in DC can turn out to motivate many of your voters to keep you home in 2010.

It seems that the emotional reaction that Democrat Congressmen received in their home districts really surprised them. But with the ease with which information is available over the internet, many people back home came to the meetings better informed about the HB 3200 than most of the Congressional representatives. The chant “Read the Bill” emerged in many town halls and sidewalk protests.

Interestingly, the Republican Congressmen also held town halls. And reports back from Congressmen Michael McCaul , Lamar Smith and John Carter and showed a consistent pattern of 1) overflow crowds 2) well-informed attendees 3) respectful discussion and 4) standing ovations! Yes, the possibility of drastically changing a person’s health care and placing one more barrier between patients and their physicians has evoked strong emotions in many. And most agree that there need to be reforms, but don’t try to “fix” parts that are not broken. According to recent polls 80% of Americans are happy with their healthcare. But it is a critical situation when medical treatment is such a financial burden that people are going into bankruptcy to pay their medical bills. Reform is needed, but not on the grand scale of turning the whole delivery system on its head.

I will venture a guess about why everyone is so upset.

There is a real sense of urgency that our personal liberties are being significantly and quickly eroded. For many Americans, they raised an eyebrow when the bailouts started. They thought “Why does the government use MY tax dollars to give to an industry that made these mistakes?” Then when the take over of General Motors quickly followed some cried out “Foul Play!” and wondered if contracts and business agreements will be threatened in other industries. Then the rush for Cap and Trade got the blood pressure up with the notion that these limits could crater the economy and keep the United States from a global competitiveness. Now with the current push toward the radical reform of Health Care, crammed down the throats of unsuspecting Americans at such rapid pace, people started to say “Enough is ENOUGH!” Anyone who has been on the receiving end of a pushy salesman who insists that you have to make a hurry-up decision NOW is intuitively suspect.

I don’t think enough elected officials are standing up for the average Jane and Joe who are coming out to the rallies. Ones taking time off from their families and work, not the ones who are given matching shirts or screen printed signs or instruction about what to say when a question is being asked opposing the healthcare plan to drown out the opposition.

I am an elected official, officially saying to every American whether you identify yourself Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Independent or just Fed Up: Thank you for standing UP, standing strong and speaking OUT for the principles that have made this country strong and that would be Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. You do recognize that these treasured gifts might be taken away and you’re stepping to resist that with every breath in your body. Onward, fellow Patriots!