Great day in the Neighborhood...

Monday, August 3, 2009

I guess my blog is getting more viewers than I expected...the little kerfuffle with Doggett on Saturday led some reporters to ask me if my blog had been the "organizing" against Doggett to cause such a protest from the Republican Party. Boy they sure do their homework;-) Happy to have anyone read this blog and I expect anything I write to be fair game on the front page of the Austin Un-American Statesman (Metro-Section, of course) anytime. So have at it Gardner...

I always give information that I think will be informative to our great activists in Austin who feel very disenfranchised in the political expression way. Yes, we can vote, but our views are rarely expressed on the news or in the local paper. I want to serve as a point of contact for ones who want some conservative solice and sanity in the uber-liberal place we live in and LOVE, called Austin, Texas. You don't have to be WEIRD or try to be weird to love Austin...many people are moving here from California because they like idea that this will be a very cool place to live. And that is great. We love Austin too! Fifth and sixth generation Texans LOVE Austin. You don't have to have your lip pierced or tatoos all over your body to love Austin or to fit in here. We are a family-friendly and solidly civic-minded city. We welcome all who want to enjoy our great city and want you to be a part of making it better for you and others.

I want anyone who reads my blog to know that there are Austinites who are conservative, who love this city and who want our city to maintain the 'cool' image we have with the rest of the world, but we need to have leadership in Austin who can understand a balance sheet, can make hard choices to manage our city in a responsible way and who shows how much they care about our city to KEEP IT WORKING FOR ALL OF US!

Yes, I will send out information to anyone who reads my blog about ways you can get involved as a responsible citizen of Austin to STAND UP and SPEAK YOUR MIND to make our city BETTER. And I would like to propose another motto (The Keep Austin WEIRD is wearing on most people a little)...AUSTIN is AWESOME! Yes, people know the difference between Austin and Boston. So when you say AUSTIN, they know the state we're from. I just think the AUSTIN is AWESOME is the NEW AUSTIN. Yes, we're unique, but we're SO MUCH MORE than Weird, Let's get with it Austin, shake the Weird and let's embrace the AWESOME! It would make a lot of people some $$ with the new bumper stickers!


greg August 4, 2009 at 3:15 AM  

i like this, thumbs up

RedRose August 4, 2009 at 7:31 AM  

Thanks for reading...more to come on "Austin is AWESOME!"