What do we do?
Monday, March 22, 2010
After the shameful display of procedural "Slaughtering", back room dealing,trashing of Congressional decorum and ultimately telling the American public that we had to pass the bill in order to find out what was in it...the Democrats sunk to a new, never attained low in the clear view of the public that they are entrusted to serve. Nevermind that. They were hell bent on getting their bill (which no one had read) voted on by any means possible, by literally buying votes, making promises that they will not keep and ramming this unconstitutional take over of one sixth of the American economy in one fell swoop.
What do Republicans do now? The battle is ON for us to step up the protests and to turn the energy into unseating EVERY Democrat who sold their soul to vote for this bill, starting with Bart Stupak. But locally, the battle is revving up to defeat Lloyd Doggett, whose local office staff were answering the phone as late as Friday afternoon saying that he wasn't sure how he would vote on the Health Care bill until he had read it. Sure. We really believed that. Especially when he said to the patriots who asked him about his vote on the Health Care Bill in August,at the Brodie Lane Randall's "townhall" that he would vote for the Health Care Bill no matter what his constituents wanted. There was no way he read the bill. And yes, that would be a lie to say that you were going to do something that you DID NOT. SO, Lloyd Doggett, the Republican Party in Travis County will do our part to unseat you and send Dr. Donna Campbell to Washington to represent the 25th Congressional District. You, sir, are going to finally get your just reward for your arrogance and for truly being out of touch with the will of the majority of your constituents in Travis County.
Plans are well on the way with Dr. Campbell's campaign. She has been working hard for months to solidify her base, get her message out clearly that she WILL represent YOU, listen to the people in Congressional District 25 and serve honorably. Mr. Doggett has a real race on his hands and Travis County is ready for VICTORY in November. VOTE for DR. DONNA CAMPBELL!!
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