Takin'it to the Streets and Keepin it in the Family

Monday, October 19, 2009

As County Chair, I cheer the enthusiasm from various groups of the county for FREEDOM, Less intrusive Government and for our personal liberties to survive this onslaugth of government 'take over' veiled in 'I'll take care of you' rheteric.

We've rallied, protested, called, written and discussed directly with our representatives to remind each of our fraigle liberties that still stand and how important it is for them to represent US with all their might.

Yes, these are turbulent times...BUT I am also finding myself discussing a word of caution with the Perry and Hutchison campaigns to 1) Fight your fight on issues 2) remember this is a Family Fued and 3) Come together after the Primary to go battle the real enemies of Freedom and Liberty!

County Chairmen are only 'Referees' in this contest. We have to pick up the pieces and move forward after the Primary to fight the REAL Battle...Keep your powder dry, don't say anything about your advesary that will come back to haunt you, and don't waste more than 2 days before congratulating the victor!

It's a curious political scene unfolding and I am glad to be a part of it, but it feels very reminiscent of when Carter was in office.