Higher Gas Taxes?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yes, we could be in for a 125% increase of our gas taxes in the state of Texas over the next 10 years if you don't take some ACTION NOW. There are two bills that are about to advance to passing: HB 9 and SB 855.

Opposition to these bills has come from these research and taxpayer groups:

Texas Public Policy Foundation
Texas Eagle Forum
Texans for Fiscal Responsibility
Americans for Prosperity
Free Market Foundation
Rather than approach the challenges with providing transportation to the state by cutting expenses and re-prioritizing expenditures first, the House Transportation Committee is moving a bill that goes to the third option of raising taxes.
Quoting Michael Sullivan, President of the Texans for Fiscal Responsibility:
Even though California and New York are trapped in fiscal death spirals, our Texas legislators seem insistent on taking a page from their playbook. Texas will no longer be able to hold itself out as a beacon of economic sanity if it charts a course to permit raising taxes during a recession
Please make a call to your House and Senate Representatives to respectfully tell them to NOT VOTE FOR the House Bill 9 or the Senate Bill 855
  • "The long-range effect of both of these bills is unacceptable"
  • "Please show that you represent your constituents to keep the Texas economy going on the right track, no going down the path of California and New York"
  • "Do not bring our strong economy down with more taxes, without looking for ways to cut spending first or re-prioritize expenditures"

Any of these talking points can be used in your call...CALL and identify yourself as a constiuent (not with a party) and make your voice be HEARD!

SD 14 Senator Kirk Watson 463-0114

SD 25 Senator Jeff Wentworth 463-0125

HD 46 Rep. Dawanna Dukes 463-0506

HD 47 Rep. Valinda Bolton 463-0652

HD 48 Rep. Donna Howard 463-0631

HD 49 Rep. Elliot Naishtat 463-0668

HD 50 Rep. Mark Strama 463-0821