Tuesday - VOTER ID BILL Rally & Hearing

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, April 7 - Public Testimony on VOTER ID Bill (HB 125)

Meet on the South steps of the Capitol Building at 11:30 AM, where we will hear Voter ID experts and legislators and peacefully demonstrate our support for this important bill.

After the Rally, we will go together to the House Elections Committee hearing, which is being held in the Reagan Building, Room 120 You can go by the committee room to write your support of the bill if you do not plan to personally testify. WEAR RED to show your support. And stay as long as you can.


Anonymous March 25, 2009 at 2:27 PM  

I wonder if we'll get the same big grandstanding show from Democrats in the House that we got in the Senate.

Anonymous March 26, 2009 at 10:45 AM  

The House is going to be worse than the Senate. And that was quite a show. Wouldn't be surprised at anything they will pull!